File Management Workshop

Welcome to the McGrath Computer Learning Center class page for the File Management Workshop. This page presents information that may be useful for supplementing what you learned in the workshop. Don't hesitate to e-mail me with any questions or comments you have about the course—my e-mail address is

Updated: 2018-02-14 08:56

Answers to Questions Asked During the Workshop

  1. Question: How can you change the email address of your Microsoft Account?

    Answer: This question is answered on the class page for our Exploring Windows 10 class. You may be interested in some of the other information on that page, but for this question, go to the answer here.

  2. Question: In class, we searched for a file from within the search box in the upper right area of the File Explorer window (see page 11 in the handout). A question was asked about searching for a file based on the file date stamp.

    Answer: The answer was that it could be done, but I stumbled around a bit in explaining the details of how to do it. Bob pointed out that the Search Tools tab added to the ribbon of File Explorer when a search term is entered into the search box had some commands for searching based on file properties, including date. Bob was correct—this is the way to search for other file properties.

    You can find a good summary of searching here and an article specific to searching by date here.

Supplemental Information

Keyboard Shortcuts. Below is a list of shortcuts useful from within File Explorer.

  • WinKey+E – open new instance of File Explorer.
  • Alt+RightArrow – next folder (if not at end of history list).
  • Alt+LeftArrow – previous folder.
  • Alt+UpArrow – parent folder.
  • F2 – rename.
  • F3 – search.
  • F4 – open location history.

You can find a complete list of Windows keyboard shortcuts at this web page.


Links to supplement the workshop materials.

Save Your Files to Your Computer, not to OneDrive - With the default Windows 10 setup and a Microsoft Account, files you create on your computer are saved to OneDrive, Microsoft's cloud storage. If you need access to your files from more than one computer, this is a good thing. But if you don't like the idea of keeping your personal files on the Internet, you can follow the instructions in this article to change the location so that they are saved on your computer.

Zen and the Art of File and Folder Organization - May be the most complete discussion of setting up your file system that I've seen. I'm not saying this is the way you should organize your files, but it is a complete system that you may want to take some points from.

File Explorer Tips You May Not Know You Can Do in Windows 8.1 - Good collection of tips for using File Explorer. While the article is written for Windows 8, all the tips are applicable to Windows 10 except #8 (Skydrive in Windows 8 has been replaced by OneDrive in Windows 10).

©Jim Brown